Blue Lemon Animation

Saturday, November 18, 2006

The sequences of Refined Story

There are some changes
We took out the low phobia part and starfish joke part
The reasons for low phobia part,
one thing is the story is now more about monkey as apposed to the star (sorry but it happened to be that way it actually works better than ever) so not enough time to explain all that about the star. Story flows well only with the motivation of returning home anyway, so why not trim down excess fat.
Moreover, DQ came up with this beautiful image when the star gets on the top of the volcano, falls into and floating on the lava looking up the sky thru volcano frame (so he is floating on the top inside the volcano) and wake up by fireworks ( shot up by the monkey) exploding in that view (so he sees the fire work already there then before drifted down the lave stream). This ties in really well with the scene at the beginning when the star falls into the water and floats there looking up the stars in the sky while ‘also’ dazed and wakes up by the ‘monkey’ again.
So, these two scene become like the major points that everything ties into
The reason for star fish part is, since we strongly agreed on that the monkey shouldn’t talk, we didn’t want to go thru all that troubles to visualize it without saying ‘star…. Fish’ part.
Also, it is the only part left that doesn’t tie in with any other parts and gets on the way of those two tied in scenes( in order for the first floating on the water scene to match better and clearly with the floating on the lava, we’d better not have the starfish around)
So, the story goes….

l establishing moon stars volcano island
l box arrival
l establishing monkey roasting bananas as if he roasts weenies with the flam from lava
l monkey sees the box as box of bananas( instead red stripe fire crackers, yellow plain fire crackers maybe)
l monkey struggles opening the box and busts the box open different sizes of fire crackers are sprung out scattered all over the place
l monkey roasts one of the firework crackers the fire cracker gets shot up in the sky monkey finds it very exciting
l monkey tries to roast bunch of crackers at once crazy fire work happening
l monkey tries to hide under a tree that turns out to be a huge fire cracker
l monkey hugs put it on the lava and shoots it up
l crash the star out of sky
l monkey’s tail(or ass depending on which character design we will choose) on fire from that huge firework blasting
l star falls down into and extinguished in the water
l monkey puts his ass in the water
l star on monkey’s ass
l monkey throw star back
l star floating on the water dazed looking up the stars in the sky
l drown star( wakes up star)
l star gets on monkeys head and says ( who what where???)
l star panics quickly jumps on the rock-tree-up the volcano
l star does panic hop on the top of the volcano and fall into volcano
l star floating on the lava dazed looking up the stars in the sky
l star sees fireworks explosion
l star investigates who is doing it
l star stream down the lave to where monkey is shooting the fireworks
l star finds out that monkey did it and gets angry
l star jumps on the box and confronts monkey
l star ignites the fireworks inside the box
l monkey drawn back away
l monkey plugs his ears with his fingers getting ready for the bang sound
l star says listen to me you!! And stuff
l monkey close the lid of the box
l star launches
l monkey very happy watching it
l star back
l monkey tumbles over a giant firecracker
l monkey launches it
l big bang
l monkey reaction to falling moon
l crash
l moon tucked into the volcano
l rumbling
l monkey plugs ears for the disaster
l end


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